It was a Thursday. On a Zoom call with some colleagues, wrapping up a work chat, talking "next steps", as you do.
"So, end of day tomorrow?" Seemed reasonable to me. End of the day. End of the week.
"Nah", the response, "Nothing's really due on a Friday. It'll be in your inbox Monday morning."
Pause. My eyebrows said "Hrmm?"
But, why not? That would work. What was I going to do with his work between Friday and Monday?
"Monday it is!"
Since that conversation, I think I've used this sentiment a dozen times. There's a simple brilliance in getting (or granting) two free days to deliver on a commitment.
Before we overthink this, I will certainly admit, that in certain scenarios, certain things are due at the certain time of Friday at five. The point is: should most things?
We often submit ourselves to unnecessary pressure — simply because Friday is the end of the week and five is the end of the day.
Perhaps the next time you choose to commit to a deadline (or ask someone else to), take a second look at the calendar.
How about Monday?